Estate Planning
Keep It Simple
Making the Complex Simple If you’re affluent, you know all about complicated. The assets that make up your wealth are complex, and so are the solutions for handling them.…
Read MoreForget the Jargon
Find Someone Who Speaks Your Language My dad’s estate plan confused him. He was an intelligent man, but the attorney’s complex legal language might as well have been in a…
Read MoreFocus on What Really Matters
Shift Your Focus Focus is a term the best pro athletes know a lot about. It’s what enables Tiger Woods to block out all the noise and the press and…
Read MoreExhaust all Possibilities
Exploring Your Options is the Only Option We like to have options—and the more the better. We want more options in our cars, on our phones, and in our business…
Read MorePlan Now Or Pay Later
Think Planning Is Too Expensive? We are all going to die one day. Call it morbid or glass half empty—it’s just the truth. The government is counting on it; and…
Read MoreFocus on What Really Matters
Shift Your Focus Focus is a term the best pro athletes know a lot about. It’s what enables Tiger Woods to block out all the noise and the press and…
Read MoreBargains Can Cost You
Deceived by a Good Deal My father was a car enthusiast. He started with Cadillac and Lincoln and eventually graduated to Bentley and Rolls Royce. Despite his ability to pay…
Read MoreDon’t Be a Statistic
Count the Costs… and Beat the Odds What is failure? While it is different things to different people, one definition of failure for the affluent could be “the involuntary…
Read MoreQuit While You’re Ahead?
The Law of Diminishing Returns The Law of Diminishing Returns in essence states that too much of something (even a good thing) will eventually lead to reduced production. Something we…
Read MoreWhen Success Becomes Dangerous
Significance Versus Success Success can be dangerous. Yes, it’s important; and it’s probably something you’ve experienced a lot in your life. But if you’re not careful, it can also rob…
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