What We Do
Barry Spencer and Scott Noble are the creators of The Wealth With No Regrets® Planning process that shows financially successful professionals, executives, business owners, and independent women how to live more confidently by having a custom tailored financial plan, income plan, tax plan, legacy plan and legal plan.
As registered investment advisors of Boomfish Wealth Group, LLC (the company they founded together in 2010, that began coming together years before), we act in the best interests of our clients as fiduciaries for the clients we get the opportunity to serve.
We share a common belief that for most individuals, couples, and families with retirement savings of a half-a-million dollars or more, that there is a way to live more financially confident, with greater peace of mind, while also enjoying the financial freedom desired.
While someone only retires once, we design custom tailored retirements every day, and then keep those plans on track throughout retirement.
Why We Do It
As clients of the industry for years, Scott and Barry concluded that the industry is broken because it continually trains advisors the same way over and over again, while the clients they serve desire a different experience and result.
The industry is filled with advisors at big banks, national brokerage houses, and independent firms who are, for the most part, selling a financial product, pushing a portfolio, and jumping to solutions way too fast with no financial, investment, tax, and distribution plan.
This can lead many to wonder what they’ve done, and if everything will work out as they hoped. The Wealth With No Regrets® planning process was created to give the control back to the client.
How We Do It Vision → Opportunities → Plan → Retire Abundantly
Our Wealth With No Regrets® planning process guides people step-by-step through the decision-making process about their retirement preparations and retirement. We are guided by our process and the desires and concerns of each client.
Once a custom-tailored designed plan is in place, we use the best that the financial industry has to offer for income generation, investing, tax minimization, and the like. We are licensed to provide advice and source financial solutions related to investments, wealth management, life insurance, annuities, long-term care, Medicare, tax minimization, and more.
Providing an independent perspective that is integrated and personalized is essential to our service and it is not product-driven, or one-size-fits-all solution-oriented.
Kevin Harrington, an original “shark” on the Emmy-Award-Winning TV show “Shark Tank” and pioneer of As Seen On TV, interviews Barry Spencer and Scott Noble.
James Malinchak, featured on ABC-TV’s hit show “Secret Millionaire,” where he personally gave away $100,000 in a week, interviews Barry Spencer.
Meet the Team

Your Opportunity to Benefit
A simple way you can benefit is to request a complimentary and confidential 57-Minute Lifestyle and Retirement Freedom Conversation with Barry Spencer where he will identify with you your biggest opportunities and dangers at this current time. To request your complimentary conversation email Barry@WealthWithNoRegrets.com or call (678) 278-9632.

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