Estate Planning
Better or Worse?
Better or Worse? First, a quick note: There’s not much new perspective on current events I can offer. Markets are still locked in a volatile pattern and will probably continue…
Read MoreThe Retirement Transition
Will Inflation Rob Your Retirement? Ready to make the jump form your working life to retired life? Many things to consider. Watch this brief 2.5 minute video as I share…
Read MoreIs the Sky Really Falling (again)?
Is the Sky Really Falling (again)? Just a quick note to offer some perspective on the (many) headlines floating around. There are almost too many things to be worried about…
Read MoreWill Inflation Rob Your Retirement?
Will Inflation Rob Your Retirement? The idea of preparing for retirement can be stressful for some, and even more so during periods of inflation. Watch this brief 2.5 minute video…
Read MoreHard Times (and hope)
Hard Times (and hope) Hard times are here. (I’m still optimistic, though; I’ll explain why at the end.) People are dying, running for their lives, and watching everything they’ve worked…
Read MoreThe Stock Market Experience
The Stock Market Experience Are you ready for the ups and downs of the stock market experience? Click here to watch this short, 2-minute video on my thoughts: Not sure…
Read MoreWhat Comes Next?
What Comes Next? Some perspective on the grim situation in Ukraine and what could happen in markets. The invasion of Ukraine is a serious and scary escalation in tensions between…
Read MoreWhen Whales Fight
When Whales Fight As we consider the tensions driving recent market movements, a Korean folk saying seems apt: “When whales fight, the shrimp’s back is broken.” The idea is that…
Read MoreIs Cash an Asset?
Is Cash an Asset? Let’s talk about cash. Do you consider it an asset? Click here to watch this short, 3-minute video on my thoughts. Not sure if you have…
Read MoreWild Ride?
Wild Ride? Markets cratered this week, heading into correction territory, and then bounced right back.1 And then continued bucking and kicking the next day. Weird, right? Not really. These things…
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