Choose This Because You Can… It was Monday. Some dread it. Some love it. Some wait around to see what the day delivers before they decide what kind of day…
Read MoreIf Only Investing Worked Like a Highlight Reel Last week was busy, so I missed the Atlanta Braves high scoring 29 run game verse the outstanding pitching staff of the…
Read MoreWhat to Do Now The pandemic continues, the economy is still struggling to get momentum, the market appears to be faltering, and the election – oh my, the election! These…
Read MoreWhere Were You? The tragedy of 9/11 rocked the world, and rocked each of our worlds individually. I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing.…
Read MoreInvesting for a Lifetime One of the simple rules of investing is to invest in what you know. When you know what you are invested in, and perhaps more importantly,…
Read MoreThe #1 Enemy of Smart Investing I was determined to do it this time… climb to the top and make the leap! This last weekend was my annual father/daughter date…
Read MoreQuestions Matter More Often, I will be on the phone with a woman after one of our informational webinar briefings to answer her most pressing questions about retirement, taxes, and…
Read MoreWhat is often said to a person who appears lost? Nothing, other than, “Are you lost?” The person is left with few options. Saying “yes” requires admission of something that…
Read MoreFor far too many the ultimate retirement lifestyle feels out of reach. Uncertainty… in the market… in the economy… and with health can do this. BUT, it does NOT have…
Read MoreOptimism This weekend marked the end of my son Hudson’s 13U travel baseball season. A real bummer, but he did finish with a bang! Baseball has a lot to teach…
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