Freedom Leads to Purpose

Frederick Douglass, African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman, knew what freedom meant tounnamed (7) him. He escaped from slavery in 1838 with the help of Anna Murray, a woman who later became his wife. After his escape, he became a leader for the Freedom Movement, which would help free other slaves. In the later part of his life, Douglass became a U.S. minister who helped slaves in Haiti; he was the first black man to hold such a high position in the government.

Douglass knew his worth and the worth of all mankind. And gaining his freedom allowed Douglass to pursue his real purpose in life, which was to help others gain their freedom and live their lives and free and equal human beings.

For many of us, however, our purpose remains hidden behind the business of making money. Real liberty and freedom in life only comes as a result of running your business in a way that keeps you excited about going to work each day. Or your sense of freedom might come from leaving that business.

If you discover your purpose, it may result in keeping the business but doing it differently, or you may feel your purpose is to leave the business entirely. Either way, that feeling of freedom will only come once you understand your purpose—and what you do isn’t as important as acting from a compelling sense of purpose. That means you can’t wait any longer to talk to a wealth expert who can align your wealth planning with your passion.

Wealth is more than money. Don’t just plan for your future, live it right now. Pass it on and share the insights like this that you find valuable.



“Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.”

– Aesop

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