Investing in Equities in Retirement Investing in equities in retirement requires strategic thinking in both the best of economic times, and those of uncertainty. Click this link as I…
Read MoreWhat a Slinky Has to do With Your Retirement The markets have been a little crazy lately, wouldn’t you say? I wanted to check in— how are you? Wanting to…
Read MoreWho’s on Your Team? When you were in school, chances are you were on some sort of sports team. Teams are an integral part of life, from childhood and on…
Read MoreRecession? (Y/N) Are we in a recession?Depends on who you ask. That’s pretty confusing, right?Let’s discuss.The most common definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth. 1The economy…
Read MoreIt’s Time to Hold Your Advisor Accountable Most wealth advisors follow the same plan for every affluent person who walks into their office. That’s crazy! You’re unique, and you deserve…
Read MoreRollercoaster Ride? A short email about rollercoasters.Markets rallied in relief on some better-than-expected data on Friday. 1 It was a bright spot in what has seemed like a relentless parade of bad…
Read MoreWhy I’m an Optimist For the past few months (years, really) it seems like there’s a 24/7 stream of bad news bombarding us all the time.Markets, the economy, housing prices,…
Read MoreKeeping the Retirement Lifestyle You Want Despite Inflation Can you retirement plan withstand rising inflation? Click this link to watch this brief 2 minute video where I share some…
Read MoreUncertainty vs. Reality A philosophical question for you before we dive into the latest. Is the world more uncertain right now than it has been in the past? Or are…
Read MoreWhy It’s Going to Be OK The last few weeks (and months) of volatility have told us that we’re sailing in stormy waters. This is a quick note to tell…
Read MoreRetire Abundantly Scorecard
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