What is the size of your wealth and…

By admin | August 20, 2012 |

How do you show people?  I grew up in a sprawling English Tutor estate home on nearly 2 acres, complete with a pool that included a diving board and Jacuzzi.…

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Age Myth of Entrepreneurs

By admin | August 15, 2012 |

The Mark Zuckerberg story headlines most news stories this day and he has become the poster-child for what a success entrepreneur looks like.  Yes, that even includes the notion that successful…

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What's the point?

By admin | August 13, 2012 |

For you personally and in your business do you have a vision bigger than the product or service?  Are you seeking to accomplish something for others that only you can?  When you…

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"Least Equality of Opportunity"?…RIDICULOUS!

By admin | August 8, 2012 |

A Columbia University professor was recently interviewed about his latest book in which he states, “The United States has the least equality of opportunity of any country.” What the heck…

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Movies on Milton Celebrates 25th Anniversary of “The Princess Bride”

By admin | August 7, 2012 |

Friday, August 17th, Movies on Milton will feature “The Princess Bride,” in celebration of the beloved movie’s 25th anniversary. “The Princess Bride” is a much-loved classic that transcends a single…

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Manage your estate from the grave

By admin | August 6, 2012 |

Each person cares about how their wealth will affect their loved ones and the causes they care about. You may know that you can control how your wealth is spent…

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Don't Worry…Just Do Your Best Work

By admin | August 1, 2012 |

Fear is paralyzing and worry leads to defeat. It’s rationalized because of risk.  Risk is real, but fear and worry is a creation of our minds. The key is to realistically…

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60th Annual Old Soldiers Day Parade

By admin | July 31, 2012 |

On Saturday, August 4th, the city of Alpharetta and the American Legion Post 201 will hold the Annual Old Soldiers Day Parade, marking its 60th year of celebrating the veterans…

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Unentangled Wealthy Families…(what?)

By admin | July 29, 2012 |

The wealthy experience the thrill of all the money brings – vacations, experiences, fine cars, beautiful homes (or two+), and all the thrills money offers.  The issues of wealth typically get…

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Never Incomplete Data (with clients you care about)

By admin | July 27, 2012 |

According to Fiserv Inc.’s annual survey of financial advisors, ninety-five percent of financial advisors said their clients are asking them for advice on “held-away” assets, which are defined as accounts…

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Your Opportunity to Benefit

A simple way you can benefit is to request a complimentary and confidential 57-Minute Lifestyle and Retirement Freedom Conversation with Barry Spencer where he will identify with you your biggest opportunities and dangers at this current time. To request your complimentary conversation email Barry@WealthWithNoRegrets.com or call (678) 278-9632.