“Can you relate to that sentiment?
No group is more targeted by product salespeople than the affluent. It’s as if you wear a sign on your chest that says: “Please try to sell me something.”
Having grown up in the home of an affluent entrepreneur, I saw that firsthand. The approach becomes even more evident when looking for wealth planning help.
Many advisors position themselves by claiming to hold the “silver bullet” that will solve all your problems.
They make it sound easy; they make it sound simple. It’s neither.
The area of financial and estate planning for the affluent is complicated, and it requires more than a one-size-fits-all answer to the challenges involved.
To do wealth planning right, you need a specialist, someone who focuses on you, your desires and envisioned future, remains objective, understands the strategic and tactical, and is a team player who helps you make your desired reality become a reality.
Having conversations and well thought out engaging process is the the antidote to being a victim of a product and solution-oriented industry that seems to be focused on just their best interests.
Wealth is more than money. Don’t just plan for your future, live it right now. Pass it on and share the insights like this that you find valuable.