Celebrity Advice… Take Caution
It seems that celebrities these days get quoted for things they know little about.
Consider some of the even implied advice they give.
Cher sang the advice…
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way…
Put the words with a pleasing rhythm and you’ve got a blockbuster hit.
But, consider how the message (and the messenger) is encouraging second guessing and hindsight decision-making.
The critics and television pundits are more than willing to pontificate with the privilege of hindsight, which leaves too many to doubt the decisions they made with the best intentions based on the best available information at the time.
Life is lived and decisions are made looking at the windshield and NOT through the rearview mirror.
As the information unfolds it will appear to some what should have been done.
And as the crisis gets resolved there will be many pointing the finger of blame and shouting accusations.
This is a waste of time and energy.
Right now is the time to…
• Keep perspective.
• Appreciate the blessings you have.
• Pass along a kind word.
• Reflect on all that you have to be grateful for.
And remember, again, this too shall pass.
“The richest man in all the world lives in Happy Valley. He is rich in values that endure, in things he cannot lose – things that provide him with contentment, sound health, peace of mind and harmony within his soul.”
―Napoleon Hill