Because building this matters more than the money If you were to ask a class of Kindergarteners what their parents do for a living, the answers can be amusing. You’ll…
Read MoreInspiring a legacy Dick was the owner of one of the largest recreational vehicle retailers in the country. He had asked the youngest of the three children, Loren, to work…
Read MoreTo steward and decide what’s best for you, your family and your future… and remove what potentially stands in the way. Jim and Marge attended one of our retirement briefings…
Read MoreThe health event arrived and he wasn’t prepared… not financially anyways. He had achieved much success and accumulated wealth but never invested the appropriate time and energy into protecting and…
Read MoreComplication seems to be the way of life these days. And we long for the… simple days. Yet we don’t desire for the complex to go away because that is…
Read MoreTwo CEOs are better than one! There are two CEOs in most wealthy families. There is the chief executive officer, and the chief emotional officer. The chief executive officer understands…
Read MoreWhen Americans travel overseas the tendency is to talk s-l-o-w-e-r and LOUDER. It’s actually quite humorous to observe, but the results are futile. When my wife lived in China she…
Read MoreI’m not a big pro football fan, but I enjoy watching the great teams play. They march onto the field with such confidence. They know exactly what they want to…
Read MoreWhat do more options provide you? More choice. More possibilities. Potential for better outcomes. We want more options in our cars, our phones and in our business. Yet most limit…
Read MoreIf you set out on a cross-country road trip to some of America’s greatest destinations, wouldn’t you enter the desired destination or destinations into your GPS to be sure you…
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