401k Plan Built for YOUR Business

Most 401k plans contain high fees, few options, little customization, limited to no education for plan participants, and a lack of transparency. HR professionals and plan administrators often find the management of the plan including monitoring, updating, and executing for participants very cumbersome, complex, and confusing. As a result, many are looking for transparency, simplicity, and efficiency for their 401k plan to deliver greater value to plan participants.

The Wealth With No Regrets® 401k Program, along with our partner The Retirement Plan Company, is delivering a 401k Plan for companies that includes:

  • Complimentary review of current plans
  • Transparency of fees and costs
  • Competitive plan options for lower fees and costs
  • Expanded investment options
  • Tax efficent ways to pay plan fees and costs
  • Customizable solutions for owners and directors
  • Enhanced fiduciary protection for the company
  • Simpler reporting and compliance

Get started today by requesting a review of your current plan. It is complimentary with no obligation. You’ll receive a transparent line-by-line comparison of fees and costs. You’ll know exactly where your current plan is, and the cost saving options available to you and any potential liability exposure that you may not be aware of.

The Wealth With No Regrets® 401k Program specializes in delivering plans for companies that have no current plan in place, and transitioning plans with up to $50 million in plan assets.

Our 401k plans fully integrate with most payroll providers.

The process is simple:

  1. Get a review of your current plan
  2. Evaluate The Wealth With No Regrets® Plan Proposal
  3. Implement an upgraded plan

To Learn More, Schedule a 22-Minute Introductory No-Obligation Conversation with Barry Spencer: