The Real Jerry Maguire

What made the real Jerry Maguire, Leigh Steinberg, the super agent he is because of getting beyond the money in negotiations. His goal was always to deal with the whole person, probe for the athletes beyond-sport goals.

Recently in a radio interview on Pro Sports Lives Live show with hosts Mike and Gena Pitts, a retired pro football couple, Leigh shared about the importance of advisors helping athletes think about three often overlooked aspects of professional sport.  First, what kind of legacy do you want to leave, what kind of difference do you want to make, and what is the right second career beyond the sport.

This follows the Steven Covey principle, begin with the end in mind.

This is true for professional athletes, executives and entrepreneurs too.  It follows that you will arrive somewhere, the question is whether or not you’ll arrive where you want and expect to be.

Leigh concluded the interview with two big principles his dad taught him: treasure relationships and make a difference.

Check out this incredible radio program at

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