Does communication matter?

Yes. Because we live in an attention economy and effective communication is the means to get people’s attention in order to give back and serve people.

I’m working on it and desire greatly to get better at communicating – in blogs, talks, videos, presentations, letters etc.  So I look to learn about it from any and everywhere because I believe it is the secret sauce that allows me to serve the people I care so deeply about helping.

Like me, are you willing to learn from unorthodox places?  Can’t you learn from everyone in many different ways.  Or are you closed off to certain centers of living?

Well, I used to be that way, but discovered that only leads to mediocrity.  And mediocrity sucks!  More sophisticatedly said, mediocre living does help people other people live better lives and accomplish more to serve others in bigger ways.

Whether you are religious or not, there are some religious leaders that know how to communicate well and clearly.

Today at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, I’m learning from one of the nations best communicators, Andy Stanley and his team of people.

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